2017, the belated summary of a bipolar year

If you asked the average avocado-loving millennial about 2017, what would they say? After all, the buzzwords floating around the news these days — Trump, hurricanes, shootings, Nazis, wildfires, net neutrality, and sexual harassment allegations — do not suggest a positive reply. 2017 challenged the nation on a collective level. Personally, 2017 was a banner year for me, full of unforgettable moments. But certainly challenged me as well, rocking me to the core.

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2016 New Year’s Resolutions

Last year’s resolutions:

Fail. Fail. Much fail. I hastily concocted those resolutions and really didn’t put my heart into them. The resolutions that came true were: 1) go storm chasing; 2) social life (surprisingly); 3) career clarity. The exercise, blogging, and financial planning resolutions crashed and burned.

Bummer. 😦

This year I have put a much more effort into thinking about these resolutions.

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2015 Year in Review

It was the best of years, it was the worst of years…

If I could use a one word to describe the year: transformative. If I could use two words: a failure. I failed in 2015 more than I have ever failed in my life. But I learned a great deal too, and I dare say I am a different person now than I was when 2015 dawned. For one, I started off the year worrying about running out of brain plasticity to learn cool things. I ended the year worrying about how I am ever going to be as emotionally intelligence and socially adept as everyone else around me.

Highlights, in no particular order (though #1 is definitely #1):

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